Приветствуем, геймер! Ты можешь или

  • ну давайте, проиграть всем подряд, а потом на баги всё списывать. Как это низко...


    Геймер Rodoss 24

  • Єто вам наказание, за то что все подряд пиратили D2.


    Геймер Rodoss 24

  • LoLhaider писал:
    давно это банкате стало мочей :D
    с 1 Апреля 2009 года =)


    Геймер Rodoss 24

  • Неужели всё так плохо?


    Геймер Rodoss 24

  • Самый Кэповый КЭП


    Геймер Rodoss 24

  • Опыт команды Сергея Орловского внушал уважение
    Сколько лет, сколько зим... о чём не скажешь сейчас.


    Геймер Rodoss 24

  • мб хватить копировать посты?


    Геймер Rodoss 24

  • А теперь сюрприз:
    Чейндж лог с ETF2L. Утверждают, что Valve им предоставила информацию по предстоящим изменениям в игре
    The major changes include:
    * Added 6 new weapon sets!
    * Added over 25 additional new weapons!
    * Added over 30 new hats!
    * Added 5 new community contributed paint colors!
    * Most hats are now paintable
    * Added 4 new unusual effects
    * Added a new matchmaking system that allows players to easily and quickly join matches
    * Added main menu option to view Meet the Team videos and comics
    * Added new startup music, “Ze Hurting is More Rewarding”
    * Hooked up new community contributed voice responses to Engineer
    * Added community contributed weapon sounds to most weapons
    * Added new kill icons. Every instance of death should have a kill icon.
    * Added new Payload map, Barnblitz
    * Added new Payload map, Cashworks
    * Added new mode: Raid and 2 new Raid maps. This mode is a boss based mode similar to the Halloween event.
    * Added Capture the Flag to the list of modes supported by Badlands
    * Added 15 new achievements
    Map Changes
    * Improved loading time for map by reducing resources needed.
    * Fixed several minor glitches with items not behaving as intended
    * Fixed rare crash caused by material overflow
    * Added tooltips to the Itemtest menu
    Weapon Changes
    * Now reloads two granades
    * Added new reloading animations
    * Fixed grenades not shattering when hitting certain world entities
    * Added a new, unique grenade model.
    * Fixed damage spread not being applied correctly
    * +10% reload time
    * Slightly tweaked the damage falloff at medium range.
    * Removed random crit penalty
    * Lowered speed bonus given for each head
    * Increased range to match other swords
    * Now only heals 50% of health from each head taken
    * Can now be equipped on Heavy and Pyro
    Crusader’s Crossbow
    * Will now reload more like the Flaregun
    * Added unique projectile
    * Now uses Needlegun taunt
    * Improved model based on creator’s suggestions
    * Slight reloading animation tweak
    * Mark of death now lasts 30 seconds
    * Added new sound effects for hitting and mark of death
    * Improved quality of textures and model
    Rocket Jumper
    * Removed damage penalty
    * Made craftable, and added to random drops. Previously purchased RJers are now vintage and tradable.
    * Added unique model
    Sticky Jumper
    * Added unique model
    * Replaced damage vulnerabilities with +100% explosive damage taken.
    * Made craftable and added it to the drop system. Previously purchased SJers are now vintage and tradable.


    Геймер Rodoss 24

  • Беру свои слова обратно, пост улучшился.
    ПС: а как же розочка?


    Геймер Rodoss 24

  • (потому что Valve, бл***)
    кхе кхе... за такое обычно ноги ломают... Шучу*
    Пост кстати скудный, ни перевода, ни информации....


    Геймер Rodoss 24
